How Panic Attacks Change Your Life
It's estimated that 2 to 4 percent Care Bears the population will experience panic disorder or panic attacks sometime during their lives. Many more will suffer from other anxiety-related psychological problems. Women appear to get the disorder twice as often as men do. web conferencing condition often shows up for the first time during young adulthood, but it can begin at any web hosting asp net and get worse as time goes on. Panic attacks and panic disorder are serious issues that can change your life, and not in a good way.
Your first panic attack probably happens out of the blue, while you are going about your normal routine. Suddenly you have weird heart palpitations, a racing pulse, or a pounding sensation in the chest. You may be short of breath and feel like you are choking. The trembling, nausea, and dizziness you experience add to your alarm. You know that something is very wrong. You assume it's a medical issue and go to the doctor or even the emergency room for help.
The symptoms of a panic attack are similar or identical to symptoms of various non-psychological conditions. That's one of the things that makes diagnosing panic disorder rather difficult. If you've never had such symptoms before, it's absolutely necessary to investigate from a medical angle. You may undergo all sorts of tests and visit several specialists, just to rule out problems with your heart or nervous system or any number of other potential causes. It isn't a waste of your time, because at least you can be reassured that your health is fine.
After you've gone through all this, you understand that what happened to you is related to anxiety. Of course, you naturally associate the attack with whatever you were doing at that moment. You might decide to avoid the specific activity or place so that it doesn't happen again. Even if you continue to go the same places and do the same things, you may worry about having another attack.
You may be sitting on the bus, or eating in a restaurant, or doing some other perfectly normal thing, and you begin to feel anxious. What if you get panicky again? Your heart is beating faster, is that the beginning of another attack? You're feeling a bit lightheaded and sweaty. Your throat is dry and closing up... your anxious thoughts start racing out of control.
Stop! It's just your mind playing tricks on you. You're not having a heart attack, you're not going to die, and you're not going to go crazy. Thinking about having a panic attack can actually bring one on, but only if you allow it to happen.
Panic attacks and the anxiety surrounding them can turn into a destructive cycle that changes your life. Those with this problem sometimes say that the anticipation and fear of another panic attack is more troublesome than the episode itself. You become constantly afraid of losing control again. You can't relax, and the persistent worry affects your job performance and your relationships.
When you're dealing with panic disorder, it's important to try to control the anticipatory fear that is only making your situation worse. If you learn how to change the way you think so that you are less fearful and anxious, then the attacks will loosen their hold on you. Seek out help and treatment as soon as you can, so that panic doesn't take over your life.
Get real help TODAY. Discover proven ways to eliminatepanicattacks.comovercome panic and get rid of anxiety Star Trek the Movie Visit to find out more and to get a free mini-course about relieving panic attacks.